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Hoe dynamische pivot te maken in Oracle PL SQL

Wijzig je proces zoals hieronder

             -- Use another variable and initialize with count(*) from prev_month (say totalCount)
             -- Initialize another counter say curCount = 0
             FOR x IN (select time_stamp from prev_month)

                -- increment curCount. If curCount = totalCount 
                -- then use 
                --  l_query := l_query|| REPLACE (' TO_DATE(''$X$'',''yyyymmdd'') as DAY_$X$_TOTAL ','$X$',x.time_stamp);   --your code without comma at the end.
                -- else 
                l_query := l_query|| REPLACE (' TO_DATE(''$X$'',''yyyymmdd'') as DAY_$X$_TOTAL, ','$X$',x.time_stamp);
               -- end if.
             END LOOP;

EDIT:Exacte syntaxis

                 curCount := 0;
                 SELECT COUNT (*) INTO o_count FROM prev_month; 
                 FOR x IN (select time_stamp from prev_month)

                    curCount := curCount +1; -- increment curCount. 
                    IF curCount = o_count THEN
                         l_query :=l_query|| REPLACE (' TO_DATE(''$X$'',''yyyymmdd'') as DAY_$X$_TOTAL ','$X$',x.time_stamp); 
                         l_query := l_query|| REPLACE (' TO_DATE(''$X$'',''yyyymmdd'') as DAY_$X$_TOTAL, ','$X$',x.time_stamp);
                   end if.
                 END LOOP;

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