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Regelnummer in sql-server zoals LINE in USER_SOURCE oracle

Ik deed dit eigenlijk veel, dus ik ging rondneuzen en vond deze functie die ik jaren geleden voor dit doel schreef:

CREATE function [dbo].[fnSplit3]( 
                @parameter varchar(Max)                -- the string to split
                , @Seperator Varchar(64)        -- the string to use as a seperator
        RETURNS @Items TABLE(
                ID INT                                                -- the element number
                , item VARCHAR(8000)                -- the split-out string element
                , OffSet int                                -- the original offest
                --( not entirley accurate if LEN(@Seperator) > 1 because of the Replace() )
"Monster" Split in SQL Server 2005; From Jeff Moden, 2008/05/22

BYoung, 2008/06/18: Modified to be a Table-Valued Function
                    And to handle CL/LF or LF-only line breaks
  (Note: making it inline made it slower, not faster)

Test: (scripts all triggers in your database)

        Select Lines.Item
         From sys.sql_modules M
          Join sys.objects O on O.object_id = M.object_id
          cross apply dbo.fnSplit1(M.definition, char(13)+char(10)) Lines
         Where O.Type = 'TR' 
         Order by O.create_date, Lines.ID
Declare @Sep char(1)
Set @Sep = char(10)        --our seperator character (convenient, doesn't affect performance)
--NOTE: we make the @Sep character LF so that we will automatically
-- parse out rogue LF-only line breaks.

--===== Add start and end seprators to the Parameter so we can handle
        -- all the elements the same way
        --  Also change the seperator expressions to our seperator
        -- character to keep all offsets = 1
SET @Parameter = @Sep+ Replace(@Parameter,@Seperator,@Sep) [email protected]
-- This reduces run-time about 10%

;WITH cteTally AS
(--==== Create a Tally CTE from 1 to whatever the length
        -- of the parameter is
 SELECT TOP (LEN(@Parameter))
  FROM Master.sys.sysColumns t1
   CROSS JOIN Master.sys.sysColumns t2
INSERT into @Items
                SUBSTRING(@Parameter, N+1, CHARINDEX(@Sep, @Parameter, N+1)-N-1) AS Value
                , N+1
         FROM cteTally
         WHERE N < LEN(@Parameter)
          AND SUBSTRING(@Parameter, N, 1) = @Sep --Notice how we find the seperator


Er zijn nu snellere versies, maar deze is nog steeds sneller dan ongeveer 90% van de gesplitste functies die je hier zult zien. Als je het testvoorbeeld in de opmerkingen bekijkt, is het bijna precies waar je om vroeg.

        Select O.name, Lines.Item, Lines.ID As LineNo
         From sys.sql_modules M
          Join sys.objects O on O.object_id = M.object_id
          cross apply dbo.fnSplit1(M.definition, char(13)+char(10)) Lines
         Where O.Type = 'P' 
           And Lines.Item LIKE '%SEARCH_STRING%'
         Order by O.name, Lines.ID

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