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ORACLE SQL Bereik van uren

Ik neem aan dat je je tijdnotatie hebt geconverteerd naar hh24:mi

misschien kan dit helpen:

with tab as(
select 'date1' as dat,  '09:00' as  start_hour, '09:30' as end_hour from dual union all
select 'date1' as dat,  '10:30' as  start_hour, '11:30' as end_hour from dual union all
select 'date1' as dat,  '13:00' as  start_hour, '15:00' as end_hour from dual 
  FROM   tab
  WHERE  start_hour <= '09:10' --:new_end_hour
  AND    end_hour   >= '07:00' --:new_start_hour
  AND    dat = 'date1'

of je kunt between . gebruiken om het te controleren start_hour of end_hour ligt tussen de waarden

with tab as(
select 'date1' as dat,  '09:00' as  start_hour, '09:30' as end_hour from dual union all
select 'date1' as dat,  '10:30' as  start_hour, '11:30' as end_hour from dual union all
select 'date1' as dat,  '13:00' as  start_hour, '15:00' as end_hour from dual 
  FROM   tab
  WHERE  ('09:00' between start_hour and end_hour
  or    '09:10' between start_hour and end_hour
  AND    dat = 'date1'

db<>fiddle hier

  1. Hoe krijg ik het laatste werknemersrecord in Oracle?

  2. Hoe records in te voegen in variabelen van cte in orakel?

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