Ik heb de eerste distinct
verwijderd aangezien je al group by
alle velden in uw Select
query, en verving de case when
met een select
select ds.catnr,ds.planqty, ds.ordnr, ds.posnr, ds.segnr,
listagg((select distinct max(li1.paco) from leos_item li1 where li.av_part_no = li1.av_part_no and li.paco is not null), ', ') within group (order by pd.part_no) inq_no
from oes_delsegview ds, oes_address ad, oes_opos op, oes_nrbom nr, scm_prodtyp sp, leos_item li, part_description pd
where ds.delnr = ad.key
and ad.adr = ds.deladr
and ds.pos_o_status not in ('9', 'D')
and ds.pos_c_status not in ('9', 'D')
and ds.seg_o_status not in ('9', 'D')
and ds.seg_c_status not in ('9', 'D')
and ds.cunr in ('W31170','W31172')
and ds.pos_type != 'RC'
and ds.ordnr = op.ordnr
and ds.posnr = op.posnr
and ds.catnr = pd.catnr
and ds.prodtyp = pd.prodtyp
and ds.packtyp = pd.packtyp
and ds.catnr = nr.p_catnr (+)
and ds.prodtyp = nr.p_prodtyp (+)
and ds.packtyp = nr.p_packtyp (+)
and nr.c_prodtyp = sp.prodtyp (+)
and sp.prodgrp (+) = 'COMP'
and substr(nr.c_prodtyp,1,2) not in ('MT','LF')
and nr.c_catnr = li.catnr (+)
and nr.c_prodtyp = li.prodtyp (+)
and nr.c_packtyp = li.packtyp (+)
and pd.catnr = '9780007938797'
group by ds.catnr,ds.planqty, ds.ordnr, ds.posnr, ds.segnr