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Hoe opvragen voor null-waarden in json-veldtype postgresql?

je kunt het feit gebruiken dat elem->'occupation2' retourneert string null van het type json , dus uw vraag is:

from  json_array_elements(
  '[{"name": "Toby", "occupation": "Software Engineer"},
    {"name": "Zaphod", "occupation": "Galactic President"} ,
    {"name2": "Zaphod", "occupation2": null} ]'
) as elem
where (elem->'occupation2')::text = 'null'

{"name2": "Zaphod", "occupation2": null}

Als je alle elementen wilt krijgen waarvan de waarde null is in JSON of de sleutel bestaat niet, je kunt gewoon doen:

from  json_array_elements(
  '[{"name": "Toby", "occupation": "Software Engineer"},
    {"name": "Zaphod", "occupation": "Galactic President"} ,
    {"name2": "Zaphod", "occupation2": null} ]'
) as elem
where (elem->>'occupation2') is null

{"name": "Toby", "occupation": "Software Engineer"}
{"name": "Zaphod", "occupation": "Galactic President"}
{"name2": "Zaphod", "occupation2": null}

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