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MySQL JOIN Meerdere joins op dezelfde tafel?

je hebt 2 aparte joins nodig voor elk land/stad/gebied. hieronder is de basissyntaxis, het kan zijn dat u deze enigszins moet wijzigen omdat ik deze niet door een parser heb gehaald:

SELECT people.first_name AS "First Name", people.last_name AS "Last Name", 
countries1.name AS "Country1", territories1.name AS "Territory1", cities1.name AS "City1", 
countries2.name AS "Country2", territories2.name AS "Territory2", cities2.name AS "City2"
FROM adb_people AS people
JOIN root_cities AS cities1 ON people.city1 = cities1.id
  AND people.city2 = cities1.id
JOIN root_territories AS territories1 ON people.prov_state1 = territories1.id
  AND people.prov_state2 = territories1.id
JOIN root_countries AS countries1 ON people.country1 = countries1.id
JOIN root_cities AS cities2 ON people.city2 = cities2.id
  AND people.city2 = cities2.id
JOIN root_territories AS territories2 ON people.prov_state2 = territories2.id
  AND people.prov_state2 = territories2.id
JOIN root_countries AS countries2 ON people.country2 = countries2.id

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