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VB6 ADODB.Recordset RecordCount-eigenschap retourneert altijd -1

Eigenlijk de CursorLocation speelt hierbij een grote rol. Gebruik rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient om de cursorlocatie in te stellen en probeer het.

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    Dim DbConnectionString As String

    DbConnectionString = mSqlProvider & _

    Set mDbConnection = New ADODB.Connection
    mDbConnection.CursorLocation = adUseServer

    Call mDbConnection.Open(DbConnectionString)

    If mDbConnection.State = adStateOpen Then
        Debug.Print (" Database is open")
        ' Initialise the command object
        Set mCmd = New ADODB.Command
        mCmd.ActiveConnection = mDbConnection

        mCmd.CommandText = "select * from myTestTable"
        mCmd.CommandType = adCmdText

        Set rs = mCmd.Execute

        Debug.Print rs.RecordCount  ' This should now return the right value.
        Debug.Print rs.Fields(0)   ' returns correct data for first row, first col
        Debug.Print rs.Fields(1)   ' returns correct data for first row, 2nd col
        Debug.Print rs.Fields(2)   ' returns correct data for first row, 3rd col

    End If

End Sub

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