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T-SQL haalt hoofdknooppunt in hiërarchie

Hoe zit het met het verplaatsen van de LEFT JOIN uit de CTE?

WITH root_nodes
AS (
    -- Grab all the leaf nodes I care about
    SELECT NULL as child_node, n.node as parent_node
    FROM #nodes n
    WHERE n.node IN (1, 2)


    -- Grab all the parent nodes
    SELECT rn.parent_node as child_node, a.parent_node
    FROM root_nodes rn
        JOIN #arcs a
      ON rn.parent_node = a.child_node
SELECT DISTINCT rn.parent_node AS root_node
FROM root_nodes rn
    LEFT JOIN #arcs a
  ON rn.parent_node = a.child_node
WHERE a.parent_node IS NULL

De resultaatset is 1, 4, 7.

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