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Volgnummer opnieuw ordenen van SQL Server wanneer records omhoog of omlaag worden verplaatst

U moet de oude positie kennen voordat u items kunt verplaatsen. En uw logica moet anders zijn, afhankelijk van of het item omhoog of omlaag is verplaatst. De ruwe schets van het proces (niet getest) is als volgt:

DECLARE @Id INT = 1100000004; -- this id
DECLARE @NewPosition INT = 1; -- needs to have this position

WITH RowToMove AS (
    -- using cte instead of variables
    SELECT Plan_Id, sequence_no AS OldPosition
    FROM planRecords
    WHERE Id = @Id
), RowsToUpdate AS (
    -- columns used inside set and where clause of the update statement
    SELECT Id, sequence_no, OldPosition
    FROM planRecords
    CROSS JOIN RowToMove
    -- select rows that belong to same category and position between old and new
    WHERE planRecords.Plan_Id = RowToMove.Plan_Id AND sequence_no BETWEEN 
        CASE WHEN OldPosition < @NewPosition THEN OldPosition ELSE @NewPosition END AND
        CASE WHEN OldPosition > @NewPosition THEN OldPosition ELSE @NewPosition END
UPDATE RowsToUpdate SET sequence_no = CASE
    WHEN Id = @Id THEN @NewPosition -- this is the row we are moving
    WHEN OldPosition < @NewPosition THEN sequence_no - 1 -- row was moved down, move other rows up
    WHEN OldPosition > @NewPosition THEN sequence_no + 1 -- row was moved up, move other rows down

Demo op DBFiddle variabelen gebruiken , met behulp van CTE

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