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POSTGRESQL Foreign Key verwijzend naar primaire sleutels van twee verschillende tabellen

Er is meer dan één manier om dit te doen in PostgreSQL. Persoonlijk geef ik er de voorkeur aan op deze manier.

-- This table should contain all the columns common to both 
-- audio books and printed books.
create table books (
  isbn char(13) primary key,
  title varchar(100) not null,
  book_type char(1) not null default 'p'
    check(book_type in ('a', 'p')),
  -- This unique constraint lets the tables books_printed and books_audio 
  -- target the isbn *and* the type in a foreign key constraint.
  -- This prevents you from having an audio book in this table 
  -- linked to a printed book in another table.
  unique (isbn, book_type)

-- Columns unique to printed books.
create table books_printed (
  isbn char(13) primary key references books (isbn),
  -- Allows only one value. This plus the FK constraint below guarantee
  -- that this row will relate to a printed book row, not an audio book
  -- row, in the table books. The table "books_audio" is similar.
  book_type char(1) default 'p'
    check (book_type = 'p'),
  foreign key (isbn, book_type) references books (isbn, book_type),
  other_columns_for_printed_books char(1) default '?'

-- Columns unique to audio books.
create table books_audio (
  isbn char(13) primary key references books (isbn),
  book_type char(1) default 'a'
    check (book_type = 'a'),
  foreign key (isbn, book_type) references books (isbn, book_type),
  other_columns_for_audio_books char(1) default '?'

-- Authors are common to both audio and printed books, so the isbn here
-- references the table of books.
create table book_authors (
  isbn char(13) not null references books (isbn),
  author_id integer not null references authors (author_id), -- not shown
  primary key (isbn, author_id)

  1. Rijprestaties voor PostgreSQL met HAProxy

  2. relationele algebra

  3. 4 manieren om gevoelige informatie van uw klanten te beschermen

  4. Converteer SQLITE SQL-dumpbestand naar POSTGRESQL