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PostgreSQL-fout:queryreeksargument van EXECUTE is null

De foutmelding is

Je hebt twee EXECUTE commando's:

_query := 'CREATE TABLE public.'
        || quote_ident(_table_name) || ' ( ) INHERITS (public.evidence)';
EXECUTE _query;


      || quote_ident(_table_name) || ' VALUES ($1.*)' USING NEW;

Het enige deel dat NULL . kan zijn is table_name .
De enige kans voor table_name om NULL te worden is hier:

SELECT raised_local_time FROM notifications WHERE id=_notification_id
INTO _raised_local_time;

Dus de oorzaak moet een van de twee redenen zijn :

  1. NEW.notification_id is NULL .

  2. Er is geen rij in notifications voor de opgegeven NEW.notification_id .

Probeer deze aangepaste triggerfunctie voor foutopsporing :
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION partition_evidence_by_month()
  RETURNS trigger AS
   _table_name text;
   SELECT 'evidence-' || to_char(raised_local_time, 'YYYY-MM')
   FROM   public.notifications -- schema-qualify to be sure
   WHERE  id = NEW.notification_id
   INTO   _table_name;

   IF _table_name IS NULL THEN
      RAISE EXCEPTION '_table_name is NULL. Should not occur!';
   END IF;

   IF NOT EXISTS (   -- create table if it does not exist
      SELECT 1
      FROM   pg_catalog.pg_class c
      JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
      WHERE  c.relkind = 'r'
      AND    c.relname = _table_name
      AND    n.nspname = 'public') THEN

      EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE public.'
            || quote_ident(_table_name) || ' ( ) INHERITS (public.evidence)';
   END IF;

         || quote_ident(_table_name) || ' VALUES $1'  -- Use NEW row directly
   USING  NEW;       -- write data to the partition table

$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
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