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mysql_num_rows() verwacht dat parameter 1 resource is, boolean gegeven

Bij het doorgeven van een UPDATE-query, mysql_query() geeft boolean TRUE terug voor succes en FALSE voor mislukking, terwijl mysql_num_rows() accepteert alleen een resultaatset als argument. Om te bepalen hoeveel rijen de UPDATE-query heeft beïnvloed, roept u mysql_affected_rows() aan. met de verbindingsbron als argument.

Het veroorzaakt niet het probleem dat je nu hebt, maar je zou er zeer goed aan doen om or die(mysql_error()) toe te voegen naar uw mysql_query() aanroepen, om eventuele MySQL-fouten op te vangen. Je zou zelfs beter worden geadviseerd om de mysql_* . te verlaten functioneert volledig in het voordeel van de PHP PDO-extensie, zoals aanbevolen in de PHP-handleiding, en die echt niet veel meer cognitieve overhead met zich meebrengt in ruil voor de enorme voordelen die het biedt op het gebied van mogelijkheden en beveiliging.

Afgezien daarvan zou ik uw code als volgt wijzigen, zodat deze meer lijkt op wat u in gedachten heeft:

// obtain a database connection
$dbConn = mysql_connect($serverName, $user_name, $password) 
  or die("Cannot connect to server: " . mysql_error() . "<br />\n"); 
  // mysql error number rarely adds enough information to be worth including

// select the database
mysql_select_db($db_name, $dbConn) 
  or die("Couldn't select $db_name: " . mysql_error() . "<br />\n"); 

// obtain escaped versions of query data for inclusion in update query
// it is imperative to use mysql_real_escape_string() or equivalent if you're
// going to use mysql_* functions instead of the far preferable PDO 
// prepared statements; if you don't escape your data, you leave open the
// possibility of SQL injection, which someone will certainly soon use to
// screw up your website horribly
$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
$additional_notes = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['additional_notes']);

// assemble query to pass to mysql_query()
// no need for parentheses around the string; in fact i'm surprised that
// didn't result in a parse error
// also FYI re backticks, MySQL uses them to denote literal database/table/
// column names -- they're optional unless required to disambiguate between
// an entity name and a reserved word. for example, you can create a table
// containing a column named 'key', which is a MySQL reserved word, but you
// thereafter must refer to that column as `key`, with backticks, in any
// queries, to hint to MySQL's parser that you mean the column by that name
// and not the reserved word; otherwise, it's a parse error.
$sql = "UPDATE `rmstable2` SET `additional_notes` = '$additional_notes' WHERE `id` = '$id'";

// actually run the query
// this being an UPDATE query, the result is boolean and offers no 
// additional useful information, so you need not capture it in a variable; 
// the 'or die' clause will fire if it's false, and if it's true, you'll 
// use mysql_affected_rows() to get the additional info you need.
  or die(mysql_error());

// if the query failed, the script die()d on the previous line and didn't 
// get here; if it did get here, you know the query succeeded
$resultcount = mysql_affected_rows($dbConn);

// this is technically correct but semantically odd; since you already included
// the 'additional_notes' value in the previous UPDATE query, and since
// that query certainly succeeded if we're evaluating this code at all, 
// why run the same query again?
if ($resultcount == 1) {
  mysql_query("UPDATE `rmstable2` SET `additional_notes` = '$additional_notes' WHERE `id` = '$id'") 
    or die(mysql_error());

// again, the 'or die' clauses mean that we can only have reached this point
// if the queries succeeded, so there's no need for an if() test here
echo "Update Successful!";
echo '<h3>Your case has been updated.</h3>'; 
// note the backslashes before the embedded double quotes; single quotes in
// tag attributes are technically invalid but most browsers will accept them,
// but you can use double quotes within a double-quoted string if you precede
// the embedded quotes with backslashes (called "escaping") to indicate that
// they're not to be taken as the end of the string
// (i.e., "\"\"" == '""')
echo "To see your changes please click <a href=\"/fullcase.php?id=$id\">here</a></b>";

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