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SQL-join resulteert in een object in codeigniter

// first, we need the SQL results in the $result_array variable
$sql = 'SELECT ...';  // your SQL command
$result_array = $this->db->query($sql)->result_array();  // codeigniter code

// here the real answer begins
$result = array();

foreach ($result_array as $row)
    if (!isset($result[$row['authorid']])
        $author = new StdClass();
        $author->authorid = $row['authorid'];
        $author->authorname = $row['authorname'];
        $author->books = array($row['books']);
        $author->favorited = array($row['favorited']);
        $result[$row['authorid']] = $author;
        if (!in_array($row['books'], $result[$row['authorid']]->books))
            $result[$row['authorid']]->books[] = $row['books'];
        if (!in_array($row['favorited'], $result[$row['authorid']]->favorited))
            $result[$row['authorid']]->favorited[] = $row['favorited'];

$result = array_values($result);
echo json_encode($result);

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