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Haal alle ouders op voor een kind

Probeer dit om alle ouders van een kind te krijgen

;with name_tree as 
   select id, parentid
   from Users
   where id = 47897 -- this is the starting point you want in your recursion
   union all
   select C.id, C.parentid
   from Users c
   join name_tree p on C.id = P.parentid  -- this is the recursion
   -- Since your parent id is not NULL the recursion will happen continously.
   -- For that we apply the condition C.id<>C.parentid 
    AND C.id<>C.parentid 
-- Here you can insert directly to a temp table without CREATE TABLE synthax
select *
from name_tree


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Als je een variabele in een tabel wilt invoegen, kun je zoiets doen als:

-- Declare table varialbe
Declare @TABLEVAR table (id int ,parentid int)

;with name_tree as 
   select id, parentid
   from #Users
   where id = 47897 -- this is the starting point you want in your recursion
   union all
   select C.id, C.parentid
   from #Users c
   join name_tree p on C.id = P.parentid  -- this is the recursion
   -- Since your parent id is not NULL the recursion will happen continously.
   -- For that we apply the condition C.id<>C.parentid 
    AND C.id<>C.parentid 
-- Here you can insert directly to table variable
select *
from name_tree


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