Dit is wat korter. Veranderde het in Inline Table Function die een recursieve CTE gebruikt om de nummers te vinden.
create function [dbo].[GetNumbersFromText](@String varchar(2000))
returns table as return
with C as
select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as int) as Number,
stuff(s.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '') as Value
from (select @String+' ') as S(Value)
cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
union all
select cast(substring(S.Value, S1.Pos, S2.L) as int),
stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos + S2.L, '')
from C as S
cross apply (select patindex('%[0-9]%', S.Value)) as S1(Pos)
cross apply (select patindex('%[^0-9]%', stuff(S.Value, 1, S1.Pos, ''))) as S2(L)
where patindex('%[0-9]%', S.Value) > 0
select Number
from C
Als u verwacht meer dan 100 getallen in de string te hebben, moet u deze aanroepen met option (maxrecursion 0)
declare @S varchar(max)
set @S = 'Give me 120 this week and 50 next week'
select number from GetNumbersFromText(@S) option (maxrecursion 0)