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PL/SQL-functies maken en aanroepen

Je kunt er een pipeline functie :

eerst heb je een tafeltype nodig:

create or replace type result_tab as table of varchar2(32767);

Maak vervolgens van uw code een pijplijnfunctie:

create or replace function your_func return result_tab PIPELINED is

rec employees_practice%rowtype;
sam taxObligations%rowtype;
socialsecurity number;
rentallowance number;
transportation number;
taxableincome number;
incometaxliability number;
netpay number;
total number;
totaldeductions number;

    for rec in (select * from employees_practice)
    then transportation:= 150; 
    else transportation:=100;
    end if;


for sam in (select * from taxObligations) 
if(taxableincome between sam.Minincome and sam.Maxincome)
then incometaxliability:= sam.MinimumBracketTax + (taxableincome-sam.Minincome)*(sam.TaxBracketRate/100);
else incometaxliability:=null;
end if;
end loop;
netpay:= taxableincome-incometaxliability;
total:= rec.Salary + rentallowance + transportation;

totaldeductions:=socialsecurity + incometaxliability;

-- Here, I used PIPE ROW() to give an output in different format.
pipe row('what ever you had in your dbms_output command');

end loop; 


end your_func;

Nu kunt u het als volgt bellen / opvragen:

select * from table(your_func)

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