sql >> Database >  >> RDS >> Mysql

Maak een genest json-object met behulp van php mysql

Hallo, probeer dit,

include '../config/config.php';
    $sub_cat_id = $_GET['sub_cat_id']; 
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $questions WHERE sub_cat='$sub_cat_id' ORDER BY level_fk ASC"); 
    $json_response = array(); //Create an array
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
        $row_array = array();
        $row_array['qus_pk'] = $row['qus_pk'];        
        $row_array['question'] = $row['question'];
        $row_array['answers'] = array();
        $qus_pk = $row['qus_pk'];  

        $option_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $qus_ans WHERE qus_pk=$qus_pk");
        while ($opt_fet = mysql_fetch_array($option_qry))
            $row_array['answers'][] = array(
                'options' => $opt_fet['options'],
                'right_ans' => $opt_fet['right_ans'],

        array_push($json_response, $row_array); //push the values in the array
    echo json_encode($json_response);

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