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SQL krijgt meerdere kolommen in één kolom

Dit is een schot in het duister omdat we uw gegevens niet echt kennen, maar als u uw bestaande zoekopdracht leuk vindt, is het misschien mogelijk om deze eenvoudig twee keer te gebruiken, maar met een waar-clausule zoals:

-- Common stuff?
ISNULL(Sales.ActivityId, Other.ActivityId), ISNULL(Sales.ScheduledStart, Other.ScheduledStart), ISNULL(Sales.OwnerIdName, Other.OwnerIdName), ISNULL(Sales.AccountIdName, Other.AccountIdName), ISNULL(Sales.new_ContactPersonName, Other.new_ContactPersonName), ISNULL(Sales.[Subject], Other.[Subject]), ISNULL(Sales.new_ColderNotes, Other.new_ColderNotes)
-- Sales stuff?
, Sales.AccountId, Sales.ContactId, Sales.SystemUserId, Sales.OptionalOwner, Sales.OptionalContact, Sales.OptionalAccount, Sales.PartyId, Sales.ParticipationTypeMask, Sales.RequiredContact, Sales.RequiredAccount, Sales.RequiredOwner, Sales.new_BusinessUnit
-- Other Stuff?
, Other.AccountId, Other.ContactId, Other.SystemUserId, Other.OptionalOwner, Other.OptionalContact, Other.OptionalAccount, Other.PartyId, Other.ParticipationTypeMask, Other.RequiredContact, Other.RequiredAccount, Other.RequiredOwner, Other.new_BusinessUnit
        Appointment.ActivityId, Appointment.ScheduledStart, Appointment.OwnerIdName, Contact.AccountIdName, Appointment.new_ContactPersonName, 
            Appointment.Subject, Appointment.new_ColderNotes, Account.AccountId, Contact_1.ContactId, SystemUser.SystemUserId, SystemUser.FullName AS OptionalOwner, 
            Contact_1.FullName AS OptionalContact, Account.Name AS OptionalAccount, ActivityParty.PartyId, ActivityParty.ParticipationTypeMask, 
            Contact_1.FullName AS RequiredContact, Account.Name AS RequiredAccount, SystemUser.FullName AS RequiredOwner, Account.new_BusinessUnit
        Contact AS Contact_1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN
            Account RIGHT OUTER JOIN
            SystemUser RIGHT OUTER JOIN
            Appointment INNER JOIN
            ActivityParty ON Appointment.ActivityId = ActivityParty.ActivityId ON SystemUser.SystemUserId = ActivityParty.PartyId ON Account.AccountId = ActivityParty.PartyId ON
            Contact_1.ContactId = ActivityParty.PartyId LEFT OUTER JOIN
            Contact ON Appointment.new_ContactPerson = Contact.ContactId
    -- Limit this part to Sales?
    WHERE ParticipationTypeMask BETWEEN 1 AND 3
) as Sales
        Appointment.ActivityId, Appointment.ScheduledStart, Appointment.OwnerIdName, Contact.AccountIdName, Appointment.new_ContactPersonName, 
            Appointment.Subject, Appointment.new_ColderNotes, Account.AccountId, Contact_1.ContactId, SystemUser.SystemUserId, SystemUser.FullName AS OptionalOwner, 
            Contact_1.FullName AS OptionalContact, Account.Name AS OptionalAccount, ActivityParty.PartyId, ActivityParty.ParticipationTypeMask, 
            Contact_1.FullName AS RequiredContact, Account.Name AS RequiredAccount, SystemUser.FullName AS RequiredOwner, Account.new_BusinessUnit
        Contact AS Contact_1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN
            Account RIGHT OUTER JOIN
            SystemUser RIGHT OUTER JOIN
            Appointment INNER JOIN
            ActivityParty ON Appointment.ActivityId = ActivityParty.ActivityId ON SystemUser.SystemUserId = ActivityParty.PartyId ON Account.AccountId = ActivityParty.PartyId ON
            Contact_1.ContactId = ActivityParty.PartyId LEFT OUTER JOIN
            Contact ON Appointment.new_ContactPerson = Contact.ContactId
    -- Limit this part to Other?
    WHERE ParticipationTypeMask BETWEEN 4 AND 6
) AS Other ON Sales.ActivityId = Other.ActivityId -- More cols for join?

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