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Sql-query met join en groeperen op and

dit is een voorbeeld, in uw geval moet u de waarde van elke kolom in een subquery ophalen (ofwel in de join-instructie, of in de hoofdselectie-instructievoorbeeld:

inner join (
        select distinct bartar_patientname
                ,(select top 1 bartar_pastePerMonth from [Bartar_MSCRM].[dbo].[Filteredbartar_callcenterreport] c2 where c2.bartar_patientname = cte.bartar_patientname and c2.bartar_pastePerMonth is not null order by c2.bartar_date desc) as bartar_date
                ,(select top 1 bartar_acc           from [Bartar_MSCRM].[dbo].[Filteredbartar_callcenterreport] c2 where c2.bartar_patientname = cte.bartar_patientname and c2.bartar_acc is not null order by c2.bartar_date desc) as bartar_acc
                ,(select top 1 bartar_insuranceinfo from [Bartar_MSCRM].[dbo].[Filteredbartar_callcenterreport] c2 where c2.bartar_patientname = cte.bartar_patientname and c2.bartar_insuranceinfo is not null order by c2.bartar_date desc) as bartar_insuranceinfo
                ,(select top 1 bartar_brand         from [Bartar_MSCRM].[dbo].[Filteredbartar_callcenterreport] c2 where c2.bartar_patientname = cte.bartar_patientname and c2.bartar_brand is not null order by c2.bartar_date desc) as bartar_brand
        from [Bartar_MSCRM].[dbo].[Filteredbartar_callcenterreport] cte
        ) r

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