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Recursieve functie in sql server 2005?

Zoek naar 'algemene tabeluitdrukkingen'. Zie ook deze link

Bijwerken Voorbeeld toevoegen van de link waarnaar hierboven wordt verwezen:

;WITH Fibonacci(n, f, f1)
AS (
        -- This is the anchor part
        -- Initialize level to 1 and set the first two values as per definition
                CAST(0 AS BIGINT),
                CAST(1 AS BIGINT)

        UNION ALL

        -- This is the recursive part
        -- Calculate the next Fibonacci value using the previous two values
        -- Shift column (place) for the sum in order to accomodate the previous
        -- value too because next iteration need them both
        SELECT  n + 1,
                f + f1,
        FROM    Fibonacci
        -- Stop at iteration 93 because we than have reached maximum limit
        -- for BIGINT in Microsoft SQL Server
        WHERE   n < 93
-- Now the easy presentation part
        f AS Number
FROM    Fibonacci

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