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Zoals besproken in opmerkingen, als je het maximale aantal verzoeken wilt beheren dat tegelijkertijd in de vlucht is, kun je Bluebird gebruiken om dat vrij eenvoudig als volgt te doen:

const Promise = require('bluebird');
const rp = require('request-promise');

router.get('/', (req, res) => {

    let collection = db.get().collection('foo');
    let collection2 = db.get().collection('test');
    collection.distinct('id', (err, idArr) => { // count: 3000+
        if (err) {
            // handle error here, send some error response
        } else {
            Promise.map(idArr, id => {
                let url = 'https://externalapi.io/id=' + id
                return rp(url).then(body => {
                    if (error) {
                    } else {
                        let resp = JSON.parse(body);
                        // probably want to return a promise here too, but I'm unsure what DB you're using
                }).catch(err => {
                    // decide what you want to do when a single request fails here
                    // by providing a catch handler that does not rethrow, other requests will continue
                   // pick some concurrency value here that does not cause errors
            }, {concurrency: 10}).then(() => {
                // all requests are done, send final response
            }).catch(err => {
                // your code may never get here (depends upon earlier .catch() handler)

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