sql >> Database >  >> RDS >> Oracle

Oracle waarom mislukt het maken van een trigger als er een veld is met de naam timestamp?

Er is een opmerking op metalink over dit (227615.1) uittreksel hieronder:

# symptom: Creating Trigger fails
# symptom: Compiling a procedure fails
# symptom: ORA-06552: PL/SQL: %s
# symptom: ORA-06553: PLS-%s: %s     
# symptom: PLS-320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
    # cause: One of the tables being references was created with a column name that is one of the datatypes (reserved key word). Even though the field is not referenced in the PL/SQL SQL statements, this error will still be produced.



    1. Rename the column to a non-reserved word.
    2. Create a view and alias the column to a different name.

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