Wanneer u voorwaarden op uw zoekopdrachten gaat toepassen, moet u kennis nemen van de volgende functie:newQuery()
. Met deze functie kun je een nieuwe query-builder starten en je filters/order-bys eraan koppelen.
Kolommen in Product tafel:
id | name | price | date_received
Kolommen in product_tag tafel:
id | tag_id | product_id
Kolom in tag tafel:
id | name
- Veel producten hebben veel tags
Ik zal niet de welsprekende modellen opzetten, maar houd er rekening mee dat het productmodel een tag()
heeft functie met een hasManyThrough()
Er is een filterklasse ingesteld met als hoofddoel het toepassen van uw filters &volgorde-bys. Opmerking:de klasse kan nog verder worden geabstraheerd.
Uw filterklasse:
class ProductFilter {
* Fluent query builder
* @var mixed $queryBuilder
private $queryBuilder;
* Http Request
* @var \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
protected $request;
* Filters collection
* @var array $filters
private $filters = [];
* Order Bys Collection
* @var array $orderBys
private $orderBys = [];
* Class constructor
* @param array $input
public function __construct(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request, &$queryBuilder)
//Initialize Query Builder
$this->queryBuilder = $queryBuilder;
//Get input
$this->request = $request;
//Register Filters
//Register Order Bys
* Register Filters in the function below
* Each filter is in the form of an array
private function registerFilters()
$this->filters['product_name'] = ['name'=>'Name',
'value' => $this->request->get('filter_product_name'),
'enabled' => $this->request->has('filter_product_name'),
'function' => 'filterProductName'
$this->filters['tag'] = ['name'=>'End Date',
'value' => $this->request->get('filter_tag'),
'enabled' => $this->request->has('filter_tag'),
'function' => 'filterTag'
* Check if any filters are active
* Useful to show/hide filter bar
* @return bool
public function isFiltersActive()
return (boolean)count(
return $v['enabled'] === true;
* Register Order Bys in the function below
* Each order by is in the form of an array
private function registerOrderBys()
$this->orderBys['name'] = [
'name' => 'Order By Name',
'value' => $this->request->get('order_by_product_name','ASC'),
'enabled' => $this->request->has('order_by_product_name'),
'function' => 'orderByProductName'
* Check if any order bys are active
* Useful to show/hide order by bar
* @return bool
public function isOrderBysActive()
return (boolean)count(
return $v['enabled'] === true;
* Apply Filters
* Loop through each filter, check if they are enabled. If they are, apply filter to query builder
public function applyFilters()
foreach($this->filters as $filter_name => $filter_array)
if($filter_array['enabled'] &&
array_key_exists('function',$filter_array) &&
return $this;
* Apply Order Bys
* Loop through each order by, check if they are enabled. If they are, apply order by to query builder
public function applyFilters()
foreach($this->orderBys as $order_by_name => $order_by_array)
if($order_by_array['enabled'] &&
array_key_exists('function',$order_by_array) &&
return $this;
* Filter Functions: START
* Filter by Product Name
* @param array $filterArray
private function filterProductName($filterArray)
* Filter by Product Tag
* @param array $filterArray
private function filterTag($filterArray)
->whereHas('tag',function($query) use ($filterArray){
return $query->where('name','=',$filterArray['value']);
* Filter Functions: END
* Order By Functions: START
* Order By Name
* @param array $orderByArray
private function orderByName($orderByArray)
->orderBy('name', $orderByArray['value']);
* Order By Functions: END
Hoe te gebruiken:
//In my controller function
public function getListOfProducts(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
//Init Product Query
$productQuery = \App\Models\Product()::newQuery();
//Apply all filters and order bys
$productFilter = app('ProductFilter',[$request,$productQuery])->applyFilters()->applyOrderBys();
//Fetch Product Result
$productResult = $productQuery->get();